i can't believe how fuckin pissed Alex was that night. it's one thing to hate someone's music, but don't hate on your friends for liking hateful music.
note to self: never invite Alex to a show which may involve electronic music. he will kick you while you're dancing, yell at ethnic cabbies, and be an absolute bonerkill.
despite the prevailing circumstances, me and d-dizzle maintained smiles while we grubbed on Nacho Mama's, crushed Natty Bohs, and geeked out to candy crunk punk shits. i gotta say it was a good day.
humpday in da illadel...possibly? maybe?

i know it's been a while. here's catching up...
nick catchdubs-waledance
future Islands-seize a shark
ocdj-please stop the hustle pt. 1
yeah yeah yeah's-Y control(the faint remix)
the death set-impossible(dan deacon remix)
timbaland-the way i are(haydn haydn remix)
you say party! we say die!-monster(RAC remix)
kanye west-flashing lights(mano uptempo remix)
twista + pharrell vs. escort-give it up(hoff's smoove remix)
the beastie boys-girls(DLake's baltimore boys & girls club remix)
1 comment:
is porn the only winner during credit crunch?
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