by the blessings of tuxedo t-shirt wearing tiny jesus, meatball's lip tumor was completely excised and found to be benign. jyeah, cant fuck wit da meatball monster! maybe now his friends will stop calling him "sir lumps a lot", and i'll stop calling him "lumplebums". he's had a rough last few weeks, with me being on vacation and then the operation the day after i got home. i've been worried sick about him... he wouldnt eat and lost like, 5 lbs?, in the week that I was gone. apparently he was bummin hard enough that he piss puddled on d-dogg and analram's clothes. he's been over that hateful shit for well over a year now! a vindictive relapse? damn meatball you's a hater! right now hes using a pair of my boxers as a pillow, fucking wierdo.
i love you to pieces.
love song: Atom and His Package-Meatball
bonus live love: Atom and His Package-Meatball(live! whoa! fast!)
DJ KlosFace Killah made him a hyphy as fuck, dance dance booty pants, "get well soon" crunk funk mix that's sure to shut the game down!
this was the intro track: Kennel Productions presents "?"-track 1
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